Teaching Cultural Competence in Nursing and Health Care
3rd Edition
Teaching Cultural Competence in Nursing and Health Care
by Marianne R. Jeffreys, EdD, RN
From the Publisher:
First Edition Winner of an AJN Book of the Year Award!
This hands–on, user–friendly book reveals a systematic seven–step approach that helps take nurses, educators, administrators, professional association leaders, managers, educators, students, and other health care providers from their own starting point towards the pinnacle–optimal cultural competence. Appropriate for all levels and settings (academic, health care institutions, employee education, professional associations, and continuing education), the book provides ready–to–use materials for planning, implementing, and evaluating cultural competence education strategies and programs.
This book's features include:
This book's features include:
- A wide selection of educational activities
- Techniques for diverse learners
- Employee orientation, in–services, and continuing education
- Vignettes, case examples, illustrations, tables, and assessment tools
- Descriptions of questionnaires and assessment tools
- Abstracts and sample research reports
- A model to guide cultural competence education
- A guide for identifying at–risk individuals and avoiding pitfalls